Directions to Campus

Detailed travel instructions to the Princeton University campus is available online here.

Directions to the School of Engineering and Applied Science

Travel directions to the Engineering Quadrangle may be found here.

Parking on Campus

When visiting campus, guests are asked to use the Stadium Drive Garage (SDG), which is located near the intersection of Fitzrandolph Road and Faculty Road (view parking lot map below). If using a navigation device, enter “Stadium Drive Garage, Sweetgum Rd, Princeton, NJ 08540”. Follow the University’s signage for Stadium Drive. Parking in SDG is free.

From Alexander Street: Turn onto Faculty Road (traffic light). At the traffic circle, continue straight to stay on Faculty Road. Turn left onto Fitzrandolph Road, turn left, and then turn right. The Stadium Drive Garage will be on the right.

From Washington Road: Follow Faculty Road east (turning right if coming from Route 1; left if coming from Nassau Street). Turn left onto Fitzrandolph Road, turn left, and then turn right. The Stadium Drive Garage will be on the right.

Prior to coming to campus, the Princeton’s Parking and Transportation Services Office asks that you preregister your vehicle.


If you have accessibility concerns, please contact the office you are visiting, Transportation and Parking Services or the Office of Disability Services

An eruv is a symbolic enclosure that allows observant Jews, mostly of the Orthodox community, to carry objects outdoors on the Sabbath. View the Eruv Map.

Directions and Map to E-Quad with Metered Parking

SEAS is located on the corner of Olden Street and Prospect Avenue (see the PROSPECT AVENUE neighborhood on the campus map). If you are using a GPS navigation system to find the Engineering Quadrangle (E-Quad), please enter “41 Olden Street, Princeton, NJ.”

Limited street metered parking is also available on the street in Princeton Borough, including nearby Prospect Avenue, and Olden and William Streets. We strongly recommend that you closely monitor your pre-paid allotted time, as the Princeton Borough aggressively patrols for expired meters.  Please see the Municipality of Princeton’s website for more metered parking information and maps.

Campus Shuttle Service to E-Quad

A free campus shuttle operates from Stadium Drive Garage during weekdays until early evening. The University’s TigerTransit transportation system operates frequently, and is wheelchair accessible.

The campus shuttle has a 5-minute frequency from the Stadium Drive Garage and is serviced by by one shuttle line, the #1 Blue Line.  Let the shuttle driver know that you would like to get off at the Friend Center stop. The Engineering Quadrangle (E-Quad) is directly across Olden Street, which is in the PROSPECT AVENUE neighborhood on the campus map).  The campus shuttle routes and schedules are posted online here

The shuttle buses are equipped with web-based GPS and can be tracked in real-time by downloading the TripShot app to your mobile device.